25 Şubat 2009 Çarşamba



It is commonly accepted that sports are the most important thing in our life. I am a sportman too and I always go to traning for six times in a week and every single training takes two and a half hours.It really forces me so hard and you can be sure that they are really tiring.Therefore regular exercising in sports brings many advantages to our life.

First things first,our health is influenced positively with the help of sports.By doing sports,people become fit in a short time.Your muscles work and your metabolism gets faster.Another effect to our health is,your hormones balanced.Acording to researches about human body in 1998,people secretes endorphin while doing sports and it causes to be happy.Another hormones are ostroghen and STH but the most important one is endorphin.The other effect is,sports put our system in order such as nerve and blood system.Mainly,nerve system become loose because of doing sport.For instance,when I go to training I really feel like a bird,nothing bothers me that is why my mental health effects in positively.There is no stress.

Secondly,our social life improve by doing sports.With the help of sport,your relationship with your friends influenced in a good way.You can build up close and sincere relationship with your friends.The other effect to our social life is,you have self confidence and self esteam at the same time.You can easily put your foot down and use your initiative while you are deciding for something to do.The third point of effect to our social life is you cannot be introvert.You can say your problem and everyone who loves you help you to solve the problem.Thus,thanks to your friend,there will not be a problem.

Moreover,your character effects in a good way.You become disciplined person by doing sports.For instance,you have orderly life.You do everything on time.Another effect is,people have responsibilities while doing sport such as getting up early.You aware of things that you have to do.Last but not least,you avoid bad behaviours like smoking or using drugs.Some people do that kind of behaviours just for show off but you do not need that because you are wise person and you know its results.

It has therefore been shown that,regular exercising in sport has many advantages in many ways such as health,social life and character.These are just a few advantages of doing sports.It is obvious that sport has a important place in my life.

2 yorum:

  1. Hi Ece, your essay is well organized. The only problem I realized was about the overlap between your ideas on social life and character. You mentioned about self-esteem, confidence etc in that paragraph. Are they about character or social life??

  2. Actually i wanted to associate character and social life.When you have self-esteem you never become intovert person.You can do whatever you want.I wanted to say that but I didnt I guess :(
